Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Banana peel acne solution

I heard about using banana peels awhile ago and never gave it a try. After trying every over the counter solution my acne has not gotten better. The older I get the worse my acne has become. I'm almost thirty, enough is enough!
So I tried scrubbing banana peels on my face yesterday. I cut a piece of peel and started scrubbing in little circles all over my face. I scrubbed until the piece of banana peel became brown, so a couple of minutes. I rinsed with lukewarm water and dried my face (no wiping). It leaves a waxy residue all over my face.
I have only been doing this morning and night for two day but I'm sold! I love it. My acne IS clearing up. My face is super soft and I feel like it tightened my face. I rubbed it on my lips this morning and now my lips are super soft.
I love it so much that I may never use face wash again!!!!!!!!


  1. do you wash your face with a facial wash before doing it or you don't use facial wash at all, before or after doing this?

  2. Just cold water and banana peel once a day :-)
